Join us Saturday May 12th at 7:30 pm as we feature two amazing artists. Both Leon and Ravine will inspire you with their raw, emotive imagery, experimental forms, and commanding reading presence.

Poet Marin Espada describes Raina’s poems as “explosions of pain and transcendence, jagged epiphanies, surreal, haunting, erotic and anguished by turns.” Of Ravine’s first book, poet Ronaldo V. Wilson praises, “Jai Arun Ravine’s แล้ว and then entwine is gorgeously seductive in its multiple sonic and visual fields of symmetrically balanced lyric narratives, striking [cuts], interposed by poetic explorations layered in charts, documents, and workbooks.”

Come relish these incredible creators to see for yourself!

Lone Glen is a reading and art series motivated by a love of creative community and a passion for all art forms. We seek to create a space in which diverse artists, writers, and genre bending creators can mingle, share, and inspire.

Find us at 239 Cotter Street, SF, 94112

Feel free to bring a friend who creates or admires those who do. We will provide some wine, soda, and simple treats but if you have the means or memory, please bring something to share.

More about our writers:

Jai Arun Ravine is a text-based artist working in film/video, movement and performance. They are the author of AND THEN ENTWINE (Tinfish Press, 2011) and a staff writer for Lantern Review.

Raina J. León is a CantoMundo fellow, a Cave Canem graduate fellow, and a member of the Carolina African American Writers Collective. Her first collection of poetry, Canticle of Idols, was a finalist for both the Cave Canem First Book Poetry Prize and the Andres Montoya Poetry Prize. Her second manuscript, Boogeyman Dawn, will be published by Salmon Poetry in 2013. She co-founded The Acentos Review, an international quarterly online review fostering the work of Latino and Latina artists and writers.