Writer Anna Pulley flirts with Lone Glen

Anna, Dionysus, Clare at the original Lone Glen venue– Cotter Street, Glen Park

Faces of Lone Glen: VII-- Poetry in the Garden

Thanks (!) to Susan Scarlata for bringing both herself and two incredible poets: Jessica Baran & Bronwen Tate.

Jessica, Bronwen, and Susan treated us all to an uplifting reading on July 6th.  These three women truly have something to say, and I highly recommend all of their books.  I was especially inspired by Jessica’s down to earth demeanor and razor sharp poems (so concrete, so nonetheless metaphorical); Bronwen’s confident voice and image crisp work; and the maze of Susan’s filmic but conceptual poems.  The weather was lovely and the garden, too. Thanks to everyone who came out on such a busy weekend.Image

Faces of Lone Glen, Oakland

Our venue

Faces of Lone Glen

August 5, 2013

Faces of Lone Glen

Nonfiction night, 2012

Faces of Lone Glen

August 5, 2013

Faces of Lone Glen

Paul Ocampo reads– Nonfiction night, summer 2012